Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Funny Little Story...

     OK, so here's a little story to share with you all. As most of you know I am a recovered alcoholic and drug addict. Now before all of my recovery friends have a holy ba- jesus fit on me let me just clarify my use of the past tense by saying that the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous tells me that I have recoverED from a hopeless state of mind and body. It also says - and I may paraphrase this - that my sobriety is based on my daily spiritual conditioning. So in other words I'm not what I used to be but if I don't pray for some strength each day I could easily be back where I was... OK? OK !

    So, I'm driving to work the other night where I am an admissions counselor at the same facility where I was treated almost 4 years ago. I have about a 15 minute drive to work each night. Sometimes faster depending if I leave on time or not. I usually talk to Cheryl or listen to some music. The drive into Father Martin's Ashley is a beautiful drive especially during the day but when I go to work it is quite dark. Still there is a peacefulness and calmness as I drive down Oakington Road and make the left onto Tydings Lane and travel up the long driveway to the facility. I usually put on some inspiring music. Maybe something deep that captures the eery night sky with a full moon over the bay or possibly just something that takes me back to 2008 when I came to treatment. Often I just have my mp3 on shuffle and inevitably something of profound meaning comes on as I am getting close to work. And so it was the other night...

    As I was coming down Oakington I was getting ready to reach for my mp3 to pick something out for the final 3 miles or so and before I had a chance to choose something the mp3 started playing "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton. Well, I paused for a second and considered changing it before I burst out laughing realizing that this was the perfect song for the evening. A substance that I struggled with for many years was being tossed out in a song as a reminder of where I came from. As I dove into work I couldn't stop laughing and felt a great sense of gratitude for where I am today. My higher power, whom I choose to call God, certainly does have a great sense of humor. I sang along with the song with no fear of the past and laughed as I remembered some of the crazy times. It's part of the mosaic that is my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And yet there is a beauty in all of it because it's human. So the next time you hear the song "Cocaine" by EC maybe you to will laugh as you remember this funny little story.

Rob ~  

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